Terms and conditions visitors

Article 1: Definitions

In these General Terms and Conditions, the following terms are defined as set forth below:

  1. Participant: the legal person visiting an event organized by Techwatch bv.
  2. Techwatch: publisher, Techwatch bv, located in Nijmegen, organizing the event as described in article 3.
  3. Event: specific day or days a participant enrolls for, for the purpose of knowledge and information transfer.

Article 2: General

  1. Unless explicitly agreed to the contrary, these General Terms and Conditions apply to all event agreements between Techwatch and the participant. By enrolling, the participant accepts these General Terms and Conditions.
  2. The rights and/or duties of the participant are not transferable to a third party, without prior written permission from Techwatch.
  3. Techwatch is entitled to change the program and venue at any time.

Article 3: Enrollment

  1. The enrollment is completed via the website. The participant receives a confirmation of enrollment.
  2. Techwatch is entitled to refuse any request to participate in an event, without due reason.
  3. The participant is required not to act contrary to these General Terms and Conditions by the enrollment.

Article 4: Invoicing and payment

  1. The entrance fee is to be paid in advance or at the event. Without payment, access to the event can be denied.
  2. Payment term: two weeks after invoice date.
  3. Prices in Euros, excluding VAT, unless indicated otherwise.

Article 5: Cancellation

  1. Cancellations must be made in writing to events@techwatch.nl.
  2. Cancellation of a visitor registration is possible until two weeks before the event date, without any costs. For cancellations within two weeks before the event date, the full entrance fee will be charged. On request, an entrance ticket can be transferred to a colleague.
  3. Techwatch reserves the right to cancel an event due to unforeseen circumstances.

Article 6: Program

The program is subject to changes at all times. Techwatch is not liable for any changes and the damage it causes to participants and/or third parties.

Article 7: Distributing flyers

Participants are not allowed to distribute flyers or to advertise for any third party in any other way, without prior written permission from Techwatch.

Article 8: Photos, videos and/or audio recordings

Participants are not allowed to make video and/or audio recordings without prior written permission from Techwatch.

By accepting the Techwatch Events Terms and Conditions you give permission for photography and (video) recordings during the event, by the organization of the conference. The pictures and recordings may be used for promotional purposes. If you do not give permission to be in photo and/or video coverage, please announce this at the registration desk of the event. These participants will receive a mark on their badge.

Article 9: Liability

  1. Techwatch is not liable for lost property or theft.
  2. Participants are liable for the damage caused by their direct or indirect action founded on fault or negligence, as well as the damage and costs incurred by Techwatch via third parties.
  3. Techwatch cannot be held liable for damage that a participant may suffer as a result of a cancellation of an event.
  4. Techwatch cannot be held liable for any damage that a participant may suffer due to or during an event.

Article 10: Providing personal information – participant list

The personal information, participants provide to Techwatch, is included in a database used for the implementation of the participant agreement. On the application form for events, participants are able to state whether they allow Techwatch to pass on their personal information to partners, sponsors and exhibitors of the event. Partners, sponsors and exhibitors can use these data for own purposes.